Caz Kush focuses on the fun loving, positive vibes of life in his new single “Piñatas”


Hip-hop artist Caz Kush takes pride in his ability to put out a vast range of music, saying that one track of his will never sound like the next. His newest song, “Piñatas,” is aimed at getting people on the dance floor to enjoy the positive vibe that it oozes.

Caz Kush had a goal of bringing back that “crunk type music,” which he said has become a bit of a lost art. This is a tune where listeners can gravitate towards, and embrace, his fun loving nature.

“I knew that people would really vibe with it,” he said. “It’s one of those tracks that you can play no matter what you’re doing. Whether you’re just chilling, or going to a job, or in the car driving- it’s just a feel good song.”

The creation of the track spawned from when he was hanging with his cousin, just chilling and listening to the beat. Caz Kush knew right from there that it was going down, and he had himself a track.

“I started singing, “Yeah, I gotta. Yeah, I gotta,” he said about the intro of the song. “I started going with it and it just created itself. I knew it was going to be something people would love.”

Caz Kush, 25, has been putting out music since he was only nine, dating back to when he learned the ways from his musically inclined uncle. He showed Caz Kush the ropes and got him into musicians like Lil Wayne, which was the beginning of his musical inspiration.

They would listen to music together, and make their own, “cooking up” tracks constantly. He even made a dis track toward his uncle when he beat him in a push up battle, which is when he began to realize that he had a gift.

“As I grew up and became more mature, I started feeling like I was really connecting with the music,” he said. “Around 14, I felt like it could really go somewhere. I didn’t know where, but I was going to figure it out.”

This is when he started dropping music, saying that it gave him the chance to make his voice heard, and his art appreciated.

“My whole thing is about connecting with people, with my music,” he said. “I want you to learn something whenever you listen to it. I want to help the next person.”

Caz Kush is responsible for everything in creating his music aside from making beats, as he prefers to find one that hits him, and then put his own words to it. He is responsible for writing, mixing and the recording process of his tracks, saying that everything is done in his bedroom, AKA his studio.

“I take the thoughts in my head and put them down in the ways that I know I can express myself the best,” he said. “If I have something going on and nobody to talk to, I know the mic is there to listen. What the mic has heard already, it would cry from. That’s what keeps me doing what I’m doing. I am about peace, spreading love and positivity.”

Caz Kush will hear a beat and then find a melody that fits. Sometimes he’ll write lyrics, and other times he’ll simply freestyle a hook. Often, he’ll know within seconds of what he’ll be doing with a beat, saying that something is always brewing in his head. This can get things flowing quickly.

Caz Kush likes to have his own unique process, and he wants the whole world to hear what he has to offer. He has more than 150 unreleased tracks, along with the seven he has available on music platforms. Caz Kush is constantly making music, and there is plenty on the horizon for the Indiana based rapper.

“This is just the introduction to Caz Kush,” he said. “I hope people go check out more because there are deeper songs with deeper meanings. Piñatas is really just that good vibe, fun track. Don’t sleep on me, because I’m coming.”

Be sure to keep up Caz Kush’s music, available on all platforms.



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Nikena and her voice fire up her R&B dance track “Hold Me”


To introduce herself to audiences in 2024, Jamaican/New York R&B artist Nikena wanted something sexy and fun, something people can dance to, vibe with. She wanted, really, a dance party wrapped in a song.

“Hold Me” is mission accomplished. The song is sultry, the video hot, and Nikena’s voice provides the fire.

“Initially, I just wanted an R&B track,” she said. “As I started writing it, I was thinking I want it to be more like meeting someone at the club, having a good time, and being that I’m from the islands, I wanted something with an island feel to it.”

Oh I really like your style
I'm loving your body language
Baby from across the room
Your energy is so magnetic

The intro is soft, dreamy and quick but not fast, building up to speed, and when the beat kicks in the song moves from beach to dancehall.

“I’m influenced by dancehall, and I wanted it to be about just like a fun time at the club, and I wanted it to have a sexy vibe.”

Her party days, her 25-year-old days, she called them, are past, but not very far past.

“I wanted that song to recreate my days of having fun, telling the story of two people checking each other out at the club and ending up having that moment together, because I remember growing up and partying and doing all that stuff.”

Hold me, hold my body, hold me
Hold me like you know me
To the rhythm of your beat

Nikena is an RN working full time in New York, but her dream has always been writing and performing her own music, inspired by R&B and pop legends like Rihanna, Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.

In 2019, she began actively working the dream. She first released “Hold Me” late last year. This year she is promoting it, partly because she has a superb video to accompany the track and because, “It is a great song, and it sounds really good in the car.”

Pounding the steering-wheel drum good.

“I think it’s something that people can cruise to, and because it is summertime, I want to promote it and get people to hear it, add it to their playlists, play it at events and, hopefully, it will build traction.”

She wants this song and its video to draw the kind of attention that can kick off a career. She has worked her music alongside the often grueling days that come with being an RN, and she continues to write songs, make music and perform in the tri-state area around New York City.

She writes her own lyrics and creates the melodies, then goes to her producers for the beats and finishing touches. Two more songs are written and done, and more are in various stages of progress. Her goal is at least an EP, maybe an album, this year.

“My songs are coming out really good,” she said. “My goal is to get a sponsor, because I have the ideas, and I have the projects, but it is a lot to do by myself as an independent.”

Her catalogue is small but full of great music, fun lyrics and her extraordinary vocal talent.

Producing the video “took everything, having to do the whole music video and then still writing and having to do promotion and everything.”

“But I’m very proud of the end result.”

The song is sultry, and the video, starring Nikena and friends, cranks up the heat. One long section illustrates a portion of the chorus that showcases her Jamaican roots.

Boy I know you like when me twist up my spine
Oh yeah yeah
Boy I know you like when me twist up my spine
To the rhythm of your beat

She says she gets questions about the meaning of this section. The closest American interpretation is “twerking.” The video could illustrate a dictionary definition.

Connect to Nikena on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.

“Hold Me,” YouTube
Amazon Music
Apple Music 


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