Indie Singer-songwriter Lizz Pens a Song for Healing in Latest Single ‘There’s A Place’


Singaporean singer-songwriter Lizz shares her recent single, “There’s A Place,” an ode to healing in the face of suffering and war. The single is the artist’s long-awaited release and comes at a crucial time in our world, where pain and struggle are often in the limelight.

For Lizz, music is a lifelong love affair. During her childhood, Lizz’s grandmother accompanied her to many live concerts, instilling in the young girl a love of music. “I have always loved music, but only started writing music in my 30s,” tells the artist. “I did mostly acting jobs and stage shows during my 20s.”

Prior to releasing music, Lizz was cast in Director Ho Tzu Nyen’s feature film, Here. Lizz then turned to music with a self-titled EP in 2009, which earned a nomination at the Singapore E-Awards for Best Indie Album. In 2010, Lizz shared her second EP, Next, featuring two songs released on major networks. In 2013, Lizz released a single, “You got me Spinnin’ Round,” followed by two more singles, “Addicted Love” and “Destiny,” in 2020.

Writing music is a source of comfort for the artist. “I love to write songs about love,” she adds. “Hopefully, more people will get to know my music and love it as well.”

“There’s a Place” is a song that has been waiting nine years to blossom. “I wrote this song 9 years ago (2014), but at that time, it was without a chorus melody,” explains Lizz. Throughout the past year, she kept returning to the song, driven to finally complete it. While the song originated from a personal experience, it has since transformed into an homage to people suffering across the world.

“This song is dedicated to all victims of war and terror, all survivors of abuse, people who feel not loved and alone, people who are struggling with their everyday life,” shares Lizz of the depth of meaning surrounding her single. “I hope this song heals the broken hearts and broken souls, I hope it brings comfort to you during difficult times.”

Through “There’s A Place,” Lizz hopes to reassure us that “For those suffering or been through trauma of any sorts, there’s a place.” This place isn’t the same for everyone, yet the concept is universal.

“The Place during the time I wrote this song was God,” adds Lizz, “but for you it might be your family, your home, your partner or a friend, that place where you feel safe, where you feel loved, you call home, you call love.  NEVER NEVER GIVE UP.” 

Listeners seeking additional ways to enjoy Lizz’s music can watch her full-length music video, now available on YouTube through the link below.

Make sure to stay connected to Lizz on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.

Spotify (Single)
Spotify (Artist)
YouTube (Single lyric video)
YouTube (Music video)
YouTube (Artist)
Apple Music


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Rap Duo theplastiQs Drop Danceable Single ‘Money Talk’


Los Angeles, California-based hip-hop duo theplastiQs have released their latest single, “Money Talk,” inviting listeners to dance along.

TheplastiQs are Baby Quan (BBYQUAN) and Queen (It’z QUEEN). “We are two Aries that are carving a path for ourselves in the music world. We’re leaving a mark for our audience and our people,” they share.

Both artists came into music in recent years, bonding over their shared love of the craft and the synergy that transpired.

“We started in my living room playing around. We created our first song, ‘Cosmo,’ and knew we had to go get a studio session. It started with four of us—the Ghetto Rich Babies, GRB—but that didn’t work out. Two of us were taking it seriously. We bounce off each other. So, we turned into theplastiQs.” (And yes, that’s a reference to the original Mean Girls.)

Queen is a young artist, new to the world of music. With a fanbase of 1.6 million followers on TikTok, Queen hopes to pave the way for the trans community to put itself out there—while simultaneously growing as an individual.

“I also make sure that others like me are comfortable with themselves and able to speak,” adds Queen.

According to Queen, “I never thought I’d be a rapper or that people would take me serious. When you’re two people, you’re not by yourself. We just got together and started making really good music.”

Baby Quan began as a TikTok influencer before pursuing a career in music. With 1.7 million followers, Baby Quan shares comedy, cheerleading, and travels on social media.

“The music crew is new to me,” shares the artist. “I’m excited for this career.”

Of their larger-than-life personas, theplastiQs want people to know that “it’s about being pretty girl, a bad girl—a baddie.”

Their music is informed by life experiences and has taken shape since they first got started.

“We want people to relate to our story,” share theplastiQs. “We’re just having a conversation with each other. Now we’re ready and know what we want to do. This is the beginning of being able to be comfortable with our voices and sound and how we want to speak.”

TheplastiQs’ new single, “Money Talk” is about “getting money—and if you’re not talking about money, then there’s nothing to talk about.” The delivery is bold, in your face. It’s about sending a message and having a good time, reflecting theplastiQs’ goal to connect and entertain with listeners.

TheplastiQs dub “Money Talk” as a universal song. From the playful opening to the full drop, the attention-grabbing single unfolds into a club hit. Before they go into the studio, theplastiQs prepare their lyrics and have a beat ready to go. “Money Talk,” like many of their songs, took the shape of a collaborative back and forth between the duo.

The rap song joins theplastiQs’ diverse portfolio of sound.

“We’re working on other songs that are calmer and all types of genres. We want to make music for everybody—grandmas, kids, everyone.”

The duo relies on their producer to help take their music across genres and styles. At the end of the day, their approach to life is a lesson meant to be shared.

“Always work hard on what you put your craft into. Never give up and always be on top of your game. Don’t go 10%—go 110%.”

TheplastiQs also enjoy bringing their energy to the main stage. From Miami to Los Angeles, the powerhouse duo takes pride in entertaining live audiences.

“Feeling the excitement from the crowd. Hearing their cheers and how they know the words … In the studio, you work on your craft to show people. It’s really cool how it works out. Performing is great because you get to see their reactions,” explain theplastiQs.

TheplastiQs are excited to share their music with listeners, including the single “PlastiQ Barbie,” now available. “We have more singles coming out. We want everyone to be able to dance to them,” they add. “Our music is for clubs. We’re also paving the way for our community because it’s hard out there.”

Make sure to stay connected to theplastiQs on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.

Apple Music


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