Wesley Adams Cook’s new song takes soggy clothes on fun ride in a fast song


In Wesley Adams Cook’s songs, the music slings the spirit on its back and goes for a spin on the dance floor of the mind.

His new song, “Raining On My Laundry,” dropping on May 31, is like a fast, rock-pop tango, with the driving beat supplied alternately by keyboards, drums and clapping hands, with light guitars on the melody.

Then there’s the lyrics, a mix of nature:

Its been raining on my laundry
Most of the afternoon

The love interest endemic to pop:

No Harris Tweed to entice her
No gabardine to make her swoon

And — don’t be scared — metaphysics:

And all I’ve got now is flesh and bones
I can’t disguise what I dislike
Beneath a tale spun from what I own

It was one of those cool inspiration songs,” he said. “I was living in Boston at the time. We had a washer, and I would hang my clothes outside. I walked into the kitchen one day, and one of my roommates was there. She said, ‘Hey, it’s raining on your laundry.’ And I was like, ‘Wup. That’s a song.’ And it just immediately came.”

That was the lyrics arriving.

“I was like, ‘Oh, this is great!’ because just think, all clothing is kind of like things that we show to the world, and what would happen if those started getting pulled aside to uncover what’s beneath, and you sat vulnerable and exposed, really laid bare in front of someone?”

Two other things are common to his music. One is the song was written sometime in his past, and when he gets the opportunity to record, mix, produce and engineer the track, the music and the feel are subject to change from the inspiration or inspirations of the moment.

“Raining On My Laundry” is a good example. This fun, fun song, written years ago and recorded this year, started off as a ballad.

“And then, shortly before recording, I heard these two different songs. One was a remix of an Ed Sheeran song, and one was a Justin Timberlake song. And I just started singing my song over these other songs — I like doing that, just to get a sense and a feel — and I heard it! I was like, ‘Man! I want this song to be fun.’”

To give it that fun feel, he changed the chord structure in some places, kept it in others (the bridge and the choruses), changed the melody to a minor key “and then just gave it this cool, fun feel.”

Wesley has a lot of music that he has written over a period of years, more than 80 songs, but he only began recording and releasing it last year.

“I was living in my car in the deserts of Sedona, and one morning it just came to me intuitively. ‘It’s time to start recording your music.’”

This song will be his seventh release, to go with the six-track EP Caught In The Middle from 2023.

He is a singer, musician, guitarist, a lyricist and composer, but he has made no money from his music yet. That would be nice, but it is not his main concern.

“I like doing it,” he said.

His career to date has primarily been creating songs.

“One of the things I like doing is writing songs, and I have a lot of them. Getting into the studio and getting them recorded, particularly with other people who I enjoy doing it with, really just comes down to a matter of availability.”

He will only work with people he likes to work with, and right now that is one person. He has, he says, “strong intentions” about his music.

“The guy who I work with right now, he’s usually only available twice a year, if I’m lucky. I’d do it a lot more, but I also have a standard. I’m not going to work with just anybody.”

The six he has out so far are all different sounds and feels, which are included in his intentions, but they can’t really be categorized by genre.

Addressing the question of genre, he said, “I’m in the same boat as everyone who’s asked me this. I’ve been asked many times, like, ‘What style of music do you do?’ And I’ll say, ‘Yes, please. What kind of music do I do?’”

And when he plays for people, they say, “Wow. You’re right. We don’t know what to put it in, but there’s a theme that is unique to you.”

Talking about his music, he comes up with a wide variety of inspirations. Sting tops the list, but there’s also, in no particular order, Elton John and his lyricist Bernie Taupin, The Four Seasons, Muse, The Doors, the African song he heard in an audiobook that inspired him to write a song about the trans-Saharan slave trade, oldies in general, classical music, rock, R&B, musicals.

The longer he talks, the more he comes up with, and the more songs he talks about that he has written but that aren’t out yet.

The six that are out already, and the seventh on the way, are great rides musically and lyrically.

“When I say I set strong intentions for my music, you could call it prayers or you could call it energies, or you could call it things that are going to bless people.”

Go dancing in your head with the music of Wesley Adams Cook. Connect to him on all platforms for new music, videos and social posts.

Amazon Music
Apple Music 


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Nikena and her voice fire up her R&B dance track “Hold Me”


To introduce herself to audiences in 2024, Jamaican/New York R&B artist Nikena wanted something sexy and fun, something people can dance to, vibe with. She wanted, really, a dance party wrapped in a song.

“Hold Me” is mission accomplished. The song is sultry, the video hot, and Nikena’s voice provides the fire.

“Initially, I just wanted an R&B track,” she said. “As I started writing it, I was thinking I want it to be more like meeting someone at the club, having a good time, and being that I’m from the islands, I wanted something with an island feel to it.”

Oh I really like your style
I'm loving your body language
Baby from across the room
Your energy is so magnetic

The intro is soft, dreamy and quick but not fast, building up to speed, and when the beat kicks in the song moves from beach to dancehall.

“I’m influenced by dancehall, and I wanted it to be about just like a fun time at the club, and I wanted it to have a sexy vibe.”

Her party days, her 25-year-old days, she called them, are past, but not very far past.

“I wanted that song to recreate my days of having fun, telling the story of two people checking each other out at the club and ending up having that moment together, because I remember growing up and partying and doing all that stuff.”

Hold me, hold my body, hold me
Hold me like you know me
To the rhythm of your beat

Nikena is an RN working full time in New York, but her dream has always been writing and performing her own music, inspired by R&B and pop legends like Rihanna, Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.

In 2019, she began actively working the dream. She first released “Hold Me” late last year. This year she is promoting it, partly because she has a superb video to accompany the track and because, “It is a great song, and it sounds really good in the car.”

Pounding the steering-wheel drum good.

“I think it’s something that people can cruise to, and because it is summertime, I want to promote it and get people to hear it, add it to their playlists, play it at events and, hopefully, it will build traction.”

She wants this song and its video to draw the kind of attention that can kick off a career. She has worked her music alongside the often grueling days that come with being an RN, and she continues to write songs, make music and perform in the tri-state area around New York City.

She writes her own lyrics and creates the melodies, then goes to her producers for the beats and finishing touches. Two more songs are written and done, and more are in various stages of progress. Her goal is at least an EP, maybe an album, this year.

“My songs are coming out really good,” she said. “My goal is to get a sponsor, because I have the ideas, and I have the projects, but it is a lot to do by myself as an independent.”

Her catalogue is small but full of great music, fun lyrics and her extraordinary vocal talent.

Producing the video “took everything, having to do the whole music video and then still writing and having to do promotion and everything.”

“But I’m very proud of the end result.”

The song is sultry, and the video, starring Nikena and friends, cranks up the heat. One long section illustrates a portion of the chorus that showcases her Jamaican roots.

Boy I know you like when me twist up my spine
Oh yeah yeah
Boy I know you like when me twist up my spine
To the rhythm of your beat

She says she gets questions about the meaning of this section. The closest American interpretation is “twerking.” The video could illustrate a dictionary definition.

Connect to Nikena on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.

“Hold Me,” YouTube
Amazon Music
Apple Music 


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