Troy Remedy lays down bluesy rap track, “Faith in God,” with inspirational lyrics and an old school vibe


Texas based rapper Troy Remedy knows that the world looks to be in more and more disarray these days, and it’s important to get back to basics in your faith and showing love for your fellow man or woman.

He has released the track “Faith in God,” which has an old school vibe and a message that hopefully can combat some of the divisiveness amongst each other and within ourselves .

“The message is really simple,” he said. “You have to have faith in God.  During these tumultuous times we’re bickering, angry, and it has shown our own vitriol towards one another. I had to take a step back because I was falling into all that madness and getting swept up in its grasp.  Differences amongst ourselves is what made us unique but now it seems we can't see past the anger.  I’m not gonna argue with how you think or feel. It’s us not messing with each other that hurts the most. We should be able to deal with each other like we used to for so many years prior.” 

“It feels like I’m losing my mind
Taking losses time after time
I’ve been walking down a road that is far too hard
But I know I gotta keep my faith in God.”

Troy said that this track is essentially a confessional.

“I know I’m not a saint,” he said. “I’m a sinner for sure, but I’ve gotta get right too.”

“Feels like I’m chasing after ghosts
While we’re at each other’s throats
Remember days when we all cling to hope
Clinging just to cope”

The track has an inspirational feel, with Troy Remedy singing “The universe and the value of life is paramount.”

Troy Remedy is originally from West Texas, growing up in cities like Dallas and Houston. He has always been a bit of an underdog, and music has been a remedy for pain and an outlet that has saved him. He loves the golden era of hip-hop and soul music, while incorporating his own flow and ideas.

He got into music and hit the ground running with it, but sometimes he admitted it could be an uphill battle. He said every project is getting stronger and better, as he harnesses his craft and tightening up his skills.

“I make my music based on life experiences,” he said. “Definitely the hurdles and the ups and downs. You see certain signs and it feels like God speaking to you in certain ways. That’s where you’ve got to pay attention.”

Troy started off his music career by making beats, and he continues to do so to this day. He also works with producer Dreamlife Beats, who made the beat for “Faith in God.”

“Every project is different,” he said. “It’s instinctual if anything. Whatever you are going through in life, you plug in play. Sometimes a beat can just be perfect.”

“Faith in God” was one of those scenarios, with Troy called the beat “gorgeous, smooth and with a blues feel to it.”

“It feels like you’re in an old school, Memphis, Tennessee type joint,” Troy said. “You hear that and you’re like, ‘Oh man!’ It takes you back to the old days and old tunes, and the feeling of that blues vibe. Personally this was me going through things and having faith in God. You can start questioning yourself and the world around you, but you just have to have that faith.”

The track was written just a few months ago and he said it is one of those situations where this just flowed out of him. Sometimes as track will take him two minutes to write, but other situations will be a months long process.

“Faith in God” is part of an upcoming album called My Own Worst Enemy, which is still in the works with a release date to be determined. This album is about seeing how far he can push himself as an artist, and getting out of his comfort zone with certain beats. It is also about reflecting on himself and the world around him. Next on his list is the track “Unity,” which should be out in about a month.

“Unity is going to be dope,” he said. “It’s got church organs and just a really dope song. I just finished producing this and it’s my baby.”

Troy Remedy is a rapper who gives it 100% with plenty of heart and soul. Every. Single. Time.

“Every time I drop a project, it’s gonna be hot,” he said. “There’s gonna be some heat. I can guarantee that. It’ll have quality lyrics, good beats and all the essentials to hip-hop.”

Be sure to check out “Faith in God” and keep up with the work of Troy Remedy on all platforms.



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Chris M Jackson Drops Words of Wisdom With “She’s N Mi Blud”


When it comes to someone making rap music, a 64-year-old grandmother is not exactly the first person that comes to mind. Despite the unconventional trajectory, the North Carolina native, who acknowledges she always had a way with words, only recently started putting lyrics to beats in the last few years. The result of this recent pursuit is “She’s N Mi Blud,” an easygoing, heartfelt single that debuted earlier this year and draws from her dynamic life and the common thread of love.

Although her entry into the rap world may be far from the norm, Jackson found a comforting place to create “She’s N Mi Blud,” an inspiring track that perfectly captures her remarkable storytelling and courage to overcome setbacks. Reflecting on her past, Jackson shares that after contracting polio as a baby, which left her paralyzed from the waist down in her younger years, she did not allow such physical limitations to keep her from experiencing a happy life. Eventually, she would heal, join the military, travel the world, get married, and revel in new experiences. However, it wasn’t until she was older that she began to channel those experiences creatively, transforming words and emotions inside of her into beautiful poetry and a children’s book.

Everything changed for Jackson in 2021 when something just clicked inside of her. A friend stuck in a creative rut turned to her for help. So, Jackson said, “Give me one word and 10 minutes, and I’ll give you something back.” In the end, she wrote three songs for him, but it also made her realize—if she could write for him, why couldn’t she do it for herself?

So, she did, and that’s when Jackson became a songwriter/rapper. With, “She’s N Mi Blud,” the message is about the love that transcends the traditional standard of what makes a family.  “I wanted to express that family isn’t always about blood,” says Jackson. “It’s about the bond. It doesn’t matter what race or religion you come from—if you’ve grown up together, they’re your family. That’s why I spelled “blud” the way I did. It’s not just about blood relations; it’s about deeper connection.”

According to Jackson, “She’s N Mi Blud“ is what she calls a ‘love rap,’ free of cursing, with a universal message of unconditional care and acceptance. The lyrics such as “Love is the biggest weapon” and “Kiss me, love, me, save my soul…” are direct and simple, set to the sounds of reggae and Jackson’s straightforward voice.

When asked about her creative process, Jackson describes it as almost meditative. "I’d be riding down the road, humming, and then the words would just come to me," she says. Within a week, she pieced together the verses that would become "She’s N Mi Blud," humming melodies and scribbling down lyrics whenever inspiration struck.

Her music may be new to the world, but her gift for storytelling isn’t. "I’ve always had a way with words," she says, reflecting on her years as a poet and author. And while “She’s N Mi Blud” is only her second single, following “My Baby” in 2020, Jackson is already making waves. Her grandkids can’t get enough of it. “They sing it—and they are proud of me,” she beams.

What’s next for Chris M Jackson? She is content with “She’s N Mi Blud” being a stand-alone single, though she’s open to future projects. Whether she’s writing songs or stories, the ultimate goal is to make people feel loved and important. “I may be 64, but I’ve got a lot more to say,” she says with the subtle confidence of someone who knows that age is just a number.

Stay up to date with Chris M Jackson and her music by following her on Instagram.



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